Description: The Committee on Bylaws is responsible for reviewing and making recommendations for any Bylaws changes.
Arthur Cooper, MD - Chair
Continuing Medical Education
Description: The Committee on Continuing Medical Education coordinates all Society programs, including obtaining CME Category I credits, and discusses issues involving physician credentialing.
Michael T. Goldstein, MD - Chair
Government Affairs
Description: The Committee on Government Affairs communicates the Society's positions on legislation and regulations to decision makers. The committee sponsors legislative visits in New York City, Albany, and Washington DC, and works to build relationships with legislators from Manhattan. This committee is a lobbying group.
Paul N. Orloff, MD - Chair
Description: What do doctors want? How can we give it to them? How can we help our members interact with each other? If you like networking and want to set the agenda for membership initiatives, this group will be for you.
Thomas Sterry, MD - Chair
Membership Benefits
Description: The Membership Benefits attempts to development innovative membership recruitment and retention projects with an emphasis on peer-to-peer recruitment.
Erick Eiting, MD - Chair
Public Health
Description: The Committee on Public Health focuses its attention on matters relating to geriatrics, children, infection control, environmental health, and other issues that affect the public's health and wellbeing.
Peter Lombardo, MD - Chair
Public Relations
Description: The Committee on Public Relations is responsible for issues related to publicizing physicians and Society issues to the physician community and general public
Michelle J. Zweifler, MD - Chair
Social Media
Description: The Committee Social Media is responsible for increasing the Society’s social media presence.
Richard Schutzer, MD - Chair
Women's Health
Description: The Committee on Women’s Health is responsible for issues related to issues important to the protection of women.
Purvi Parikh, MD - Chair
Workers' Compensation
Description: The Special Committee on Workers' Compensation assists member physicians when problem arise between the physician and the carrier in workers compensation cases. It represents the members' interests in any questions concerning workers' compensation, and reviews applications and makes recommendations for workers' compensation ratings.
Steven Zaretsky, MD - Chair
Delegation to MSSNY
William B. Rosenblatt, MD, Chair, Delegation
Robert B. Goldberg, DO, Vice Chair
Malcolm D. Reid, MD, MPP, Vice Chair
Joshua M. Cohen, MD, MPH, MSSNY Assistant Secretary
Stuart Orsher, MD, JD Chair Emeritus
Erick Eiting, MD, Presidential Vice Chair
Arthur Cooper, MD
Stuart Gitlow, MD
Scot B. Glasberg, MD
Michael T. Goldstein, MD, JD
Loren Wissner Greene, MD
Keith LaScalea, MD
Mark Milstein, MD
Paul N. Orloff, MD
Edward W. Powers, III, MD
Gabrielle Shapiro, MD
Thomas Sterry, MD
Alternate Delegates
Jill R. Baron, MD
Clifford Bassett, MD
Ksenija Belsley, MD
Michael Borecky, MD
Connie DiMari, MD
Dennis Gage, MD
Aaron Kithcart, MD
Jessica J. Krant, MD
Marie LoTempio, MD
Henry Magliato, MD
Anita Ravi, MD
Birjen Shah, MD
Richard Silvera, MD
Desmond Sutton, MD
Eugene Weise, MD